
Individual work

For this whole projects, I chose my memories as the subject. In the past, I denied all of them and discounted piece by piece. For example, I wanted to bury them in South Korea and start a fresh new life in USA. Because it was too painful to take them all the way from Korea to USA. However, soon I realized this was not a smart decision at all. Even though I erased them gradually, I did not feel happy or secure at all.

Reconnecting all my past and present through this, I seek a happiness.

My Story Map

I started to recollect all the memories such as pictures from the youth to present. I designed the story map of my memories in order to show to people easily. It is 40x9.5 inch size.

Memory Bag

Every birthdays I gave a present to myself. Among many of gifts, the jacket was the most memorable item so that I just could not throw away. So I cut it into several pieces and made a bag.
Writing 'REMEMBER' on it, I kept reminding myself that first two letters, 'Re' means all memories circulate in my life.

Memory Book

The memory handbook is a photo book that I took from the very old time till now. Designing an abstract style, and adding few texts upside down helps readers to start the book from any side and any direction.


During the project, I collected all my stuff dividing to two different parts: five bags, 'remember bag' and other five bags, 'forgetting bag'. After collecting, I mixed up bags, took shots, and designed a poster.
In the poster, it says "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

All the words in the poster are from information of my story map, thus in the end, it shows and prove all these projects are connected.